Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge #34 "Oceans 11"

It has been far too long since my last post. What can I say? Other things have occupied my time...some fun, others not. But I still head over to see the Cinema Saturday Creative Challenge that Sankari and Brooke put up each week. For those in Australia, the sneak peeks come online Late Friday sometimes I stay up! Ok I usually stay up because I can't resist a challenge to guess a film from teeny tiny slivers of images that the girls let us see :)

This week Brad Pitt's eye in the last peek was unmistakeable. Using brads in the challenge is a must but unfortunately I could only squeeze one in!! It is on one of the roulette wheels. I took my inspiration from the DVD cover which has a great background full over bright circles.

I'm quite pleased with the way it's turned out and thought I could use it as a gift card with a lottery ticket in.